Vendor Selection
We help you find the right solution for your business through a comprehensive vendor selection process. We develop the Request for Proposal and interview vendors for you. Our proven methodology and detailed scoreboard technique helps you select the right vendor at the best price.
Current Business Process Review
To improve your business, you must have a clear understanding of how your current process works. Our outside perspective lets us clearly define, document, and assess that process. We then suggest process improvements guided by industry best practices.
Requirements Gathering
Because we specialize in functional implementation, we can easily identify system needs. We have developed a detailed matrix that maps all requirements for the implementation, verifying that each is adequately configured, developed, and tested.
Training Development and Implementation
Effective training is the best way to encourage user adoption. We help you create a training plan early in the project and evaluate various delivery methods—lecture, online, classroom—to determine the best training approach for your audience.